Change the World One Letter at a Time!

Be a part of something big. This summer(2014) I will be writing a letter a day to various people. I am challenging each of you(I am assuming you are here because you got one of my letters) to write a letter to somebody. This way, we can make a change for good in the world and we all can feel good about it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Happy June! It's one of my three favorite months! I bet you agree. I hope by the time you get this you have had a grand adventure already. Summer really should be filled wiht grand adventures!!!I have been enjoying my time home already. It's been filled with family, friends, and softball. I actually have only been home one night. I stayed with a friend in Wausau(where I grew up) after my late softball game. I really didn't want to do the hour drive at 10pm last night! It was fun to catch up with my high school friend. It's nice to have friends that it's easy to catch up with and it's like you never were apart! I hope that's how we are come August. Write back sometime! Alice

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